Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Redefining Young Association Professional

Now that I'm in marketing, I have to say that I'm pretty disappointed that I never clearly defined my niche within the blogoclump. I wrote on everything and anything - which some can pull it off - me I have trouble just keeping up with this blog. So I'm going to focus my attention on the following areas:

1. YAP Perspective - this isn't about age, it's about position. Somethings are significantly more difficult to do when you're not a CEO/exec - its also much easier to do others.
2. Marketing - Now that I'm in marketing - I feel its only right that I focus more on my craft (I was never passionate enough in training I guess) - and this is both new age (social media) and traditional - because to be honest, I have a larger knowledge gap when it comes to traditional marketing
3. Moving Beyond YAP, i.e. moving up the career latter. I'm hoping this stirs up some good discussion as I'm told I'm totally on par with my ideas or way off.
4. Nothing to do with associations (I'm more than just a young association professional, so I may let my outside life slip in when relevant).
5. Blogging - this is where I'll comment on blogging and other posts - I'm really behind but I'm ready to get back in it

That's it - 5 tags - and if it doesn't fit in one of these, then I'll edit this post to make sure I'm being accurate (after all - if I set this is stone - I'd be doomed to sink in the ocean of change)

Thanks for reading,

P.S. - thanks Jeff for the challenge of 10 posts a month (wish me luck)
P.S.S. - and don't forget - if you want to blog but don't want to take the full leap, let me know. You can blog here for free (I need the content). I'm actually trying to work up a system where anyone can post a full blog post on here - now how's that for giving up control.