Thursday, September 25, 2008

Wikis to Capture Employee Knowledge

Wiki's are a great tool for collaboration. I've talked about them before here and here, but focusing on using them with my membership and how it's worked out.

But maybe you shouldn't use wikis for your membership or you just haven't nailed down Why you should use it. Great - don't rush in without a plan.

But you can use them with your staff. Here's why:
  • Capture employee knowledge - when I into the marketing dept. I found that many of the resources I needed went out the door with the individual I replaced. A resource document would have been great.
  • Update status of a project - ever been in a meeting just to check on the status of a project or have the boss come down for an update? Why not have a wiki posted with the tasks and deadlines as well as the progress of each? It'll take a bit more time initially, but could save on update meetings. (don't make it about micromanagement - only track the critical tasks).
  • Edits - not only does a wiki help compile edits (and reduce the number of comments about the obvious mispeling), but it also saves on trees (and if you're a CFO - printing expenses). This may be more difficult once a piece is designed, but the better the initial text is - the easier the rest of the project.

These are just some of the ways to internally use a wiki. The result is increased communication.

  • A new staff can quickly get all the information they need to do their job
  • Management knows where a project is as well as areas that may need assistance
  • Incorrect edits can be reviewed by the team and caught before they go to print

And with the wiki, the information is editable, available online, and depending on the service, secure.

Thanks for reading,