Thursday, August 28, 2008

The Irony of Attending Conferences

I attend events, like ASAE's Annual, in the hopes of getting new information so I can continue to innovate within our association and provide new and increased value to our membership. Yet, before I can impliment I must first catch up. I returned Tuesday to 2 weeks of back log - in my case over 500 emails and quickly closing deadlines. Hopefully my notes from Annual are good and the event had enough of a wow factor to last past the lag between catching up and implementing this new knowledge. (more on this once I'm past that lag)

It can be difficult to innovate when there are items that must be done - some of us must be incremental. But just because you move incrementally doesn't mean you can't make significant changes in your organizations. (remember this is coming from a YAP's perspective on innovation).

Thanks for reading,