Wednesday, May 28, 2008

2 out of 3 - time for a bit of a break

There are 3 life altering events that every young professional will undergo:
  • New job
  • New house/apartment, etc.
  • New Baby
I got two out of the three - and, well I'm not planning to move - which means the next couple weeks/months are going to be crazy. I just recently found out my wife is pregnant (she's due at the end of November) and I've recently branched out from training into marketing, adding a new skill set for my association journey.

With that in mind, I'm taking another short spring break from blogging to pick up my new duties in marketing as well as to assist Heather and be there for her. I plan to get back to blogging around the second week of June. Thanks for reading and wish me luck, I'm going to need it,

Until the next post, stay young,

P.S. You could take my old job. Here's the description: and you never know, we could be coworkers