Young Association Professional
A look at associations, business, leadership, and pretty much whatever catches my interest.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Setting Up Your Online Daily Paper Using RSS - Part 2
I could explain what RSS is, but I don't think I can do any better than this video put together by
CommonCraft Show:
I think this is one of the most simplistic explanations of RSS. Next step - pick your feedreader.
I'm playing with google reader right now, but there are a ton of different readers including yahoo and others. If you want to set up your feedreader using google go to and sign up. The great part about this (in my 24 hours of review) is that you can access it anytime you're online. This means:
*No worries if you're harddrive crashes/get a new computer (which I learned the hardway)
*No worries if you set up all your feeds at work but only have time to read them at home
Windows Vista also has a feedreader built in, but again it's on your hard drive so there's limited flexibility.
So set up your google or yahoo or Vista feed. And if you want to start subscribing and more importantly seeing how it works, subscribe to Seth Godin's blog. Not only is he a marketing genius (and everyone markets), but he also posts 2-4 times a day on a typical day. His feed is
In the next day or so I'll give you the top association blogs you'll want to subscribe to to help you get your online daily paper started.
Thanks for reading,
P.S. Need more help? Email me at
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About Bob
I'm an association professional weighing in on a variety of topics including membership, engagement, marketing, leadership and pretty much anything else that catches my fancy. Email me at for comments and/or suggestions.