Monday, March 3, 2008

It's Not Usable If You can Use It

I read a great article by elearnmag titled "What Do You Mean When You Say 'Usability'?"

While this article focuses on the usability of elearning courses, I think this topic of usability can really translate into how associations should view social media. One header of the article really stuck out: The User Validates Usability

Now this is an interesting notion that may sometimes be lost in the conversation. It doesn't matter that the IT manager, consultant, designer, or even you as an association manager can use the technology. Of course it helps that you can use the technology, but one group HAS TO be able to use the technology: the members you're targeting.

And not only that they can use it, but how long does it take them to reach the experience? Do they complete one step or a series of steps? Does it take a moment or a day to get started or is there a multi-day approval process? Because if it takes a mile to get to that experience or connection, it better be damn good. If its easy to get to on the other hand, than it doesn't have to be so good to start. (Just think McDonald's or other mediocre franchise restaurant that are everywhere vs. that great, one of a kind steak house an hour away).

I think the same thing can be said of value - it's not the consultant, staff, designer, or contractor that determines value - it's the members. More on this tomorrow (I don't want to burn out).

Thanks for reading,